Tuesday, November 15, 2011


gosh, you're lying hahaha! I learned this stuff this year & I'm in 9th grade, but I'm in bio honors so I'm even a year ahead

Is there any good places to airsoft around hershey pa?

Check here a href="http://www.airsplat.com/states.htm." rel="nofollow"http://www.airsplat.com/states.htm./a They have forums too so you can talk to people around that area and see if they can suggest anything. I always use this when I'm out of town and looking for a place to airsoft. I hope this helps you.

Can I get my speeding ticket thrown out of court for this error?

I was issued a speeding ticket recently and noticed that where the Trooper was supposed to indicate whether I was a resident of the state (Tennessee) or not a resident (Which I am a resident)the crossing point of the X is in the NO box could this error be a viable means of getting my ticket thrown out of court?

Java-How to check if a word.charAt(index) is a vowel...boolean?

How do you not get it? You have the right idea. Have a separate counter in the loop keep track of vowel count based on either a set of if/else statements or a switch:case.

Is America being forced to go gay?

Being gay isn't a lifestyle; it's simply who you're attracted to. And Tracy Morgan's comments were not funny because some parents really do hurt their kids when they come out. They might physically and emotionally abuse them, force them into "therapy," kick them out of the house, drive them to suicide... it's not funny and playing that for laughs made it seem like he was saying that's ok.

Findin the average atomic m of galium?

gallium consists of 2 isotopes of mes 68.95 amu and 70.95 amu with abundances of 60.16% and 39.84%. show work please? thanks

Which quilt do you like better??

I also like the second one and agree that it depends on the colors in your room. I think it might be easier to find a fun color in that quilt to put in a can and up on your wall if you are going to repaint.

What would it take for Atheism to be its own religion?

It is not a religion, for no two atheists have the same beliefs, aside from the disbelief in a deity.

If I form an llc to buy property, will a bank lend me money to accomplish this goal?

I just want to make sure that the property is not directly purchased under my name but rather the llc's name.

Whyy do i like being in control?

you are just dominance prone. Nothing wrong with that. Guys actually like that in woman, it's y. Plus if your dominant in bed, it relaxes the guy and helps him enjoy it more... as opposed to him doing all the work.

Abolish the British monarchy or not?

No, I don't think that is a good idea at all. Monarch is a symbol, not the power or the government of the United Kingdom and therefore that system should be retain.

The Boule? What in the world is going on in America's backyard?

So I just saw a doentary that disgusted me to the core.This doentary is about the Boule which is a fraternity aka sigma pi phi of lawyer's,doctors and other highly successful African Americans.This group was started by White Supremacist at Yale University back in 1904 better known as the Skull and bones.The soul purpose of the skull and bones creating the boule was to keep African Americans from gaining to much success and knowledge.I thought this was a bunch of ludicrous until I did further research and realized that there are African Americans that have agreed to sell there soul to these Skull and Bones guy's in exchange for wealth and fame.Ultimately the plan is to stop these blacks from encouraging others to become something great in this world.I mean you honestly have to youtube this stuff because its deep but sadly most is true.Im talking there are rappers who supposedly have sold their soul to this group for money and fame.I don't know what to think of that part but what I can tell you is that this group has existed.The Boule still exist but have been exposed by Steve Cokely who did research on the whole situation and now I want to know if this is still going on today?Are African Americans selling there souls to these evil,devil worshiping thugs for money and fame?Im still researching but I want to know what do you think and know?

What was the last thing that undermined your peace of mind?

Inglorious brother threatend to kill you. I didn't ask him to do that. I only asked for a volunteer to hit you.

What is the name of this song/group from the 50's?

I *think* you're looking for the Del-Vikings "Come Go with Me". I've got a video link below so you can check it out.

Experienced Clairvoyants....I think I am experiencing clairvoyance?

I've been mediating a lot lately and advancing quite nicely in finding a peaceful place and receiving clear direction for my life. It's been tremendous. However, my spiritual work has become more in depth, where I am seeing visions like I am visiting another place in my head. Sometimes it looks like I'm going through a portal shaped like a star and I can feel myself moving and spinning out of my body. I've had to learn to control the spinning because if it goes to fast the fear of that feeling disconnects me. When I can "hover": in that spinning-like position I'm seeing my life in a parallel universe or something but in the form of energy....its hard to explain. I'm always in a bird's eye view over mive landscapes, space, stars, planets, and sometimes the colors are really vivid! During all this I suddenly know things about my life, situations, people (enlightenment) and enjoy this show in my head. I've been knowing about certain events before they happen. I know things about people before they tell me, I know the end of movies within the first 5 minutes. Can anyone relate? (DOB 10/22/77)

How can we vote this into law?

So in your rant your issue seems to be that you want to give the voters the responsibility of approving or not approving the bailouts. That is never going to happen because that's what your congressmen and senators are for. They represent "we the people". That's why you elected them. If you really don't approve of the bailouts, what you need to do is call, email, write letters to your congressmen and bug them until they get the picture. If that doesn't work, when it's time for re-election, don't vote for them to get him/her out of office. That's the basic function of Congress.

Multiple Choice Question! Prophetic?

If she had proven herself to be misleading or controversial you you wouldn't give her your full attention. Funny might gain your attention but it would be a different kind of attention. So the answer is Predictive.

How much will my freshman year grades count?

It should be fine so long as you write a good essay about how you improved your performance etc. Pull up your grades for this year as much as possible. Study for three hours a day, even on non-test days. It won't be fun, but if you can get through the rest of this year with very good grades (as many A+'s and A's as possible) then you should be able to recover your GPA somewhat. Try to get a good SAT score too. Frankly, a 1950 is not very good at all. Shoot for a 2200 or better. Learn some grammar and practice the type of math needed on the SAT to improve your writing and math scores. Take a lot of practice tests (I took around 12 by the time I took the test). Do those practice tests in single sittings - don't do half one day and half another day. You need to build up your mental endurance to take a four hour test. Do all of that and you should be in good shape to get into some really good colleges.

Remaining a virgin until marriage and dealing with loneliness?

I’m 19 years old and I’ve decided to remain a virgin until I’m married. I’ve had no success at getting a girlfriend in my entire life. My only two social outlets are college and work. At work, all the girls either have boyfriends or they constantly talk about (as in not-exclusive and very promiscuous). At college, I’m practically invisible and most of the girls are either married or in a serious relationship. I wonder if there is anything I can do about it or how I can deal with being alone for the rest of my life.

Good gaming computer for under $900?

That is a very nice gaming rig you have there. I say stay with this because this is a good "Future proofed" system ( meaning you wont have to upgrade for a while). You should have no problems running any games.

Do I reduce the pay of this caregiver or not????

7 years ago I started a caregiver at a rather high rate. I need the caregiver and she was efficient. She is now age 74 and has asthma and some acid problems in her stomach. She does not hear as well either. My Mother is getting on in years and need different servies now. The caregiver told me today that if I reduce her wages and take in a seond person to help out that she will leave the job....just say the word and I am gone she told me. I fee l kind of controlled by this woman..I want to reduce her pay by one day a week and train a back-up person bec if the current lady gets ill , I have no one to help out. She tells me I can hire her daughter. I don't want her daughter!!!! or I can hire her friend!!! I don't want her friend. I find the caregiver is good and is controlling and taking on her own people for chores in my Mother's house. I want to take back my control and the caregiver tells me I will not find anyone as good as her since she has been with me for 7 years now. What do I do

What is the most embarressing thing you have done in public to entertain your baby?

I was in Target yesterday with my 10-month old and he was getting hungry/crabby. So I started to make farting noises (which is always a big hit with him) and this woman peeks around the corner.....I think she thought I really was letting my bodily functions go to work. I'm not the type to get embarressed....but I did get a little red in the cheeks...!

Question for worshipers and atheists are welcome to answer?

The only way that Adam & Eve could have multiplied would have been through . Mankind has been forced to accept a God Concept that came from primitive ancient people that called phenomena that they could not comprehend, God. They had limited understanding of practically everything. Do you know of any Black family who over the generations has become Chinese?

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease answer my questoin. i beg to you. pleeeeease!!?

If I was you stay away from gambling, you going to get addicted and spin out of control. Don't do it

Obama wants to "reboot America's image". Do you give a flying fig what our image overseas is?

who gives a hoot . right now we have allot of other important issues like social security and how to get these politicians to get there heads out of the sand and realize were heading into the toilet. were going to hit the ground a ruining obama says, that's hog wash they are going to party for 4 days . were so screwed we should be the joke of the world we cant get anybody to take the jobs seriously . its welfare for our politicians they havent done a thing right but spend money on the rich

MTX terminator package?

Will an MTX terminator package fit, and go well in the trunk of a 2005 mercedes benz c230? will it go well with the stock speakers?

Do you enjoy the wrestling groups from a while ago (I2K PAC ect...) Join my new group the real wwe fans WQ!!!!?

i used to like wwe but i now prefer tna. i am still a member of PAC lol.it was a gud time alot of people moaned but they enjoyed it realy. everybody enjoys controversial arguaments and PAC provided it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Unitarians, how do you handle the Evangelical Christians who infiltrate the church?

I am basically an agnostic and joined up with the Unitarian church because they believe in everything and the women I meet there there still like to smoke pot and have . However, the pastor says she can't really stop the Christians who joined up to try to convert the "believers in God or whatever you want to call him." Any ideas on how to get rid of or shut up these Christians while they are in the church or at church functions? We don't mind at all them being Christian...would just like them to keep it to their selves.

If you have a small daughter, what word do you use for ____?

her ? Do you call it a ? a pee-pee? a wee-wee? or what? I have been criticized by people when my daughter refers to her "place" as a ! She is 2 and a half and has no problem identifying all body parts by their normal names! I don't believe in using dumb euphemisms unless the real word truly offends people. So, my question is, what does your daughter call it? And do you think it's "improper" to teach your child the names "" and "? Sorry, but I already have my opinion.

I don't understand this:With main color yarn, ch 4, 4 dcs in 4th ch from hk. Total: 5 dc cluster?

There is more to the pattern than you have stated. Is it possible for you to send me the instructions for the rest of that row and the next one please. I'll be able to explain in in more detail for you then. Check my avatar and e-mail me.

Does Colt McCoy have a spot in the NFL?

From what I have seen going up against the Steelers and the Saints I would say he will be big name QB one day. I think the Browns have found their future QB.

What food cravings did you have while pregnant?

I just confirmed today I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I'm 28 yrs old. The father is an ex coworker of mines. I don't think he will be thrilled since he already has two little ones and he is barely making it. Anyway, I've been feeling so naueous lately. I've also had a strong craving for fast food. I mean I dont know if I want a 6 inch cold cut trio (double meat) with cheese, mayo, mustard ,vinegar, lettuce, tomatoes, salt pepper, pickles all on white bread from subway. With a side of fries. Or should get a wendys regular chicken sandwich with large fries and a diet coke. I've never had cravings like this. I'm normally a health nut. What weird cravings did you have?

Do you think when a Religious Taboo is lifted from society..People will engage in it?

it is still an abomination in God's eyes but as a nation we are ignoring God and going after the flesh

Anyone have any old pictures of back when Mandy Moore was a pop-warner cheerleader in Orlando?

a href="http://cheerleading.about.com/od/famouscheerleaders/Famous_Cheerleaders.htm" rel="nofollow"http://cheerleading.about.com/od/famousc…/a

Why does the left hate life's little pleasures?

Well the left hates life's little pleasures because they are against gay bashing, religious bashing and beating up on the cripple... The left are satanists that is for sure..

What's a good vista freeware that will remove DRM from Zune WMA's? I don't have licenses to play them.?

Spare me the legality, please. I want to remove the DRM from them. Plain and simple. :) I don't have the licenses to play them. All I have is the DRM protected WMA file. Any help here?

Apartment question?

Landlords will require that you have a job before you rent. If your salary is not acceptable..then they will require a co-signer. Prepaying will not help you without a job.

How can I make a simple settings file in VB.NET (Without using My.Settings)?

Just write the file. Load it and parse it when you start the program. Allow the user to select a setup, which you load, parse and apply. Allow the user to save a setup. You can use a select-case code block to parse the text parameters.

Is there a drivers license program that has cars to provide you with?

You can rent a car from either a car rental place, or you can go to a driver's ed place and rent one of their cars.

HELP!!! Where can i find these sneakers?? (Purple & green Puma Clyde)?

a href="http://www.atticonlineshop.com/Puma--Clyde-PurpleGreen_p_25-838.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.atticonlineshop.com/Puma--Cly…/a

Girls, or Guys Did I Do Right Thing ?

she considered you only as a friend and you viewed it more intimately. She has moved away from you as you make her feel awkward by treating her so nice when she is not used to it. many people do not realise what it is before their eyes and it takes life experience to reveal to them that they have lost the best thing that was ever going to happen to them. If you said you would wait as long as it takes; then don't you think you are acting too quickly by deleting her from f book etc. this only goes to re ure her of the fickleness of men. apologies for being blunt but I call it as I see it. Cut your losses and move on with your life ; look for someone worthy of your love and attention. ps 'love finds you not the other way round." She may think you the sweetest thing but not been in love with you ; in that case she would be doing you both a dis- service by allowing a relationship to develop. good luck for your future and god bless' if you subscribe to such beliefs.

What products should I buy next to add to my new make up collection?

you should really check into NYX. you can find it at some CVS's, but i think it is easier to find online... at cherryculture.com..its cheapest there... its cheap but GOOD quality. i suggest the round lipsticks(very creamy) forsure (: hope i could help

Fantasy Football Help?

Who should I start on my team Brett Favre vs. the Cleveland Browns or Mark Sanchez vs. the Houston Texans????

Play which RB week 2 Fantasy Football...Reggie Bush or Chris Johnson?

reggie bush the broncos didnt have good run D vs the chargers and they werent using LT so someone like bush should have a pretty good week

So u buy a car that uses less gas. But the cost of gas goes up is this a knee jerk reaction from the oil comps

I mean what is your reaction. Is the current price of gas due to "off line" oil refineries? Or is it because with people buying cars that use less gas the oil companies have to get their share reguardless. Or are we the cause of our own fuel terrorism by pi**ing off countries like Iran, Venezuela and Iraq who are part of the Opec organization. Thanks.

Should I tattle tale on this hard quiz?

Okay so today in Social studies, my teacher gave me and others a chance to take the current events test for academic bowl. So most of the people who took it didin't get it done. So my SS teacher told us to come and get our tests at studyhall. So at study hall, this girl (lets call her Lauren) went to go and get the tests from the teacher. We all finish and Lauren took the quizzes to the teacher. In homeroom she told me she cheated off MY very hard unpredicatble answers on that academic bowl test. Lauren is probaly the last person to ever know that Guantanno Bay is in Cuba! I'm really steamed at her because she cheated off of my 6 questions! Should i tell or not? If she gets picked to go to quiz bowl she won't know a thing about what we're answering questions about! IM STEAMED

Soccer jerseys for a fatty. Plz, where do I buy?

Where can you buy soccer jerseys for fatties like me? Most everything is L & XL. I'm looking for UNAM Pumas & Chivas Jerseys. Oh, a Man. U jerseys would be awesome too. I saw a dude wearing a Giggs jersey that was like 350lbs, so I know they're out there.But that was in a premiership game overseas. If you know a website, PLEASE let me know.

What volume would propane occupy at STP?

An aerosol spray can with a volume of 441 mL contains 3.09 g of propane gas as a propellant. What volume would propane occupy at STP?

Is alligator gar good to eat?

No. They are extremely bony fish. Don't even bother unless you are homeless and haven't eaten in 2 days.

Why aren't guys interested in me?

I get what you mean. I think it's just that some guys may not know you and don't feel obligated to talk to you. If I were you I would try to talk and bond with guys so they know you and once that happens, I'm sure you'll find someone:)

Why were the electrodes kept the same distance apart in this electrolysis?

at 1st u mentioned in ur experiment that ""The gas produced at the cathode burns with a ‘pop’ when a sample is lit with a lighted splint. This shows that the gas is hydrogen. """" but in reality u can not collect that gas so easily and also it will not occure,,because the amount of h2 so small that you can not detect it,,and same3 distance apart is kept mainly for suitable arrangement only,,u can also made curve electode,,,, but straight electrode is easy to clear or rather to maintain........

What is so bad about cl warfare?

Because Americans are for the most part compionate. Can't really change who we are. My only objection is giving additional handouts to those that already get a handout every month. Between rental istance, fuel istance, free food cards, free lunches in school, free medical and dental care and a whopping good college grant program, I really think we are giving enough. If they want more than that, let them work for it.

I have decided to build my own comp. tell me what you think...how will it match up?

The motherboard and CPU you selected are not compatible. The motherboard is for an Intel chip and not an AMD. If I was building this machine, I would skip the Blu-Ray for a regular, cheaper DVD writer and spend a little more on the video card. At current prices, I would go with a Nvidia's 9800GT or ATI's 4850. Both cards can be had at less than $100. Check Newegg.com.

How do I know if it's time to leave my husband?

you should leave him and just think if you leave him now you both will most likely remain good friend rather than finding out he has a guy behind your back which would put that anger between yous. therefor you can find a decent respecting of you kind of guy. it'll be healthier for the kids too if yous separate on good terms. good luck

Is this the swine flu?

I don't know if we should see a doctor or not. Last friday wade was sick with 102 fever.Hot. Doesn't wanna eat. Sleep all day. No throwing up. Lasted all the way to monday where it went down to 98 and he went to school. Last sunday I get sick with 102. I had same symptoms except yesterday I threw up twice and every night I woke up from my sleep I was drenched in sweat to where I had to change my clothes. Today I feel a little better and have 100 temp. Feel weak and hot and cold. Had bowl of cereal. Kept that down. Yesterday nathan got sick too with 102 fever. His head hurt. Was weak. Threw up once yesterday. Wont eat. Sleeping all day. Today it is 101. I took wade's temp today cause he said he felt warm and it said 102. WTH? I guess we will see what happens tomorrow. Maybe taking a trip to the doc.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How is removing due process from the prosecution process via the patriot act supposed to deter terrorism?

These detainees are P.O.W's. Releasing them is about as wise as it was to release captured German soldiers imprisoned in the United States. It is true the Bill of Rights explicitly says that it applies to persons not citizens, however the Constitution is silent on the status of prisoners of war,it says nothing. Article I Section 9 of the Constitution permits the suspension of Habeas Corpus in times of rebellion although I think that was implied to account for domestic rebellions like the Civil War. I can only imagine what the Founding Fathers thought about P.O.W's but I bet they would have been just fine if we imprisoned enemy soldiers as long as we treat them inhumanely we might as well do it until the war is over.

2000 plymouth neon [2L] engine noise?

different engine just installed [used thru junkyard]makes a light tapping noise which sounds like chirping bird when engine revs up. noise is from sticking tappet,lifter? is this serious & can it be fixed chemically or however. what are possible consequences?

How do you do the ollie on skateboard?

a skate board .duhh all u have to do is pop off the tail move your foot up and press down it should go in the air u might want to get a rolling start to get more height when u get better

Anyone follow the OHL?

I too am a Knights fan. I'm not from London(or Ontario for that matter) but they have been a quality player factory for a while. Can't wait to see how Kadri works out with the boys in blue this year.

Connect my PDA with router?

I have iPaq Pocket PC with Windows Mobile on it - but I can't work out how to connect to my Broadband service

Sick of fans running onto the field...?

I think the solution to all of these fans running out onto the field would be stiffer penalties. Also, I think it should be known that, if a person runs out on the field, anyone who is legally on the field, players, coaches, umpires, bat boys, security personnel, should be allowed to do whatever they feel is necessary to get them off of it. I think if you were to see a few more of these boneheads getting the snot beat out of them, it would happen less. I think all it would take would be for one person to get cracked on the back of the head with a bat, or maybe catch a forearm from someone like Prince Fielder to put an end to it.

What's the reasoning behind making Mountain Dew yellow?

Really, why on earth would a company decide to make a soft drink yellow? Sure, it's different, but honestly, the only yellow liquid I'd ever consider drinking would be lemonade--everything else sounds disgusting or radioactive.

At&t smartphone plans help?

Two separate items. If you want the unlimited texting you pay $20. If you want the data plan you have to pay an extra $30 for a total of $50, you can't pay $30 for the extra plans. You will also need a calling plan.

Christians and UNSURE people of their beliefs COME!?

Iam agnostic so i don't need the preaching but i hope you understand that the faith religious folks have no matter how unrealistical and illogical it is are not going to budge even if what they say at you tube was true. No matter how much logic is tossed to religious people they are never going to accept it, So don't get to disappointed which the answers you get.

Help, I feel so used?

watever you do stop talking to him cause if you do you will end up really really falling for him and then he will ask you to be friends with benefits with him.You will end up hurt.All he wants is and since he got it so early he thinks now he can try to get it whenever he wants from you....watever you do stop talking to him.Good luck!

Catholics-how is things like the book of Proverbs applied in Catholicism?

How do catholics view the book of proverbs?Is this soemthing that is relevant for today the teachings or is the book to be read as a history book which the advice was relevant for before Jesus etc or how should it be read/taken please?

If I buy the Sirius portable does it come with the subscription or is that separate?

I looked it up online and they sell it for over 300.00 dollars, I just want to know if that includes the service

For my confirmation name- Alice or Aleydis?

they are the same person, just different names. My name is Kerry. Which should I use? It's to honor my cousin Allison so I was thinking Alice, but Aleydis I think is a pretty name

I have no time to do exercise?

Your doctor is psycho and wants you to go to a mental hospital. Your at an average weight. For your height your weight should be 93-123.

Should i accept this trade?

NO!!!!Don't get Quentin now!! He is a sell-high candidate because his numbers have really gone down as of late! And you don't need Wandy! Leave it as it is! Try maybe trading Roberts, Bruce, and Halladay for Utley!

Speed up the process of divorce?

I really need advice seriously. How do i speed up the divorce process that my husband filed? I mean it is making no sense now, he is not interested with his son, he has another lover that he is in love with, but he is also trying not to pay child support, he denied it is his son but he wants 100% custody? I don't think he and his girlfriend especially would want my son in their life. He practically told everyone that he regret marrying me and filed false allegations on the divorce paper work. It is not making sense at all. Advice seriously. I have been having consistent depression and been seeing specialists and doctor told me that what he is doing right now is mentally abusing me. I can't take this anymore. He kept threatening me about taking my son away from me when he also denied that is his son. I am worn out and I can't focus. Partly I still love him and i felt cheated big time and took this marriage seriously and now that we have a small baby that wil turn 1 year old soon. Please advice, he is into this girl and they seems to be so much in love and i know everything that makes me wants to vommit. How do i speed up the process divorce and get child support and move to another states to live? Serious advice please

Help with dressing a squirell?

I was outside plinking with my .22 and a squirell pops out. I shot him and now im not sure how to skin him. I want to save the meat to make stew with. where do i start the incision, how do i skin him, any help. how long can he stay before the meat starts to go bad?? thanks

Are you suppose to say something back?

If he's interested, he'll message back. Or won't, because he thinks your not interested. Hard to say, isn't it?

Lehman Bros, Merrill Lynch, Banks Closing, Oil Prices, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae...do you really think that?

Wall Street has the stamina to stand up to the beginning of the crushing blows that it is about to face?

Will these colleges consider me with these SAT scores?

Of course they will. You should be able to get into Syracuse, at least, with scores like that. And most colleges don't put as much weight on writing as they do CR and Math.

Need help not judgement.?

My father was emotionally unavailable for as long as I can remember. And he used to hit me sometimes and threaten my mother growing up. My whole life I've had an attraction for much much older men and I have major father issues, obviously. Now I have my biggest issue. I'm engaged. He knows what happened. I nanny for a family. I ask you again not to judge. I'm young and the father is old but funny and nice and I've somehow devloped a stupid crush. ANd I know it's because of my issues that I'm covered head to toe with, what I don't knwo is how to make it go away. Him and his wife are still together. And I'm not acting on it - not even close. It's not like I'm in love with him or something crazy it's that I'm totally infatuated with the bonding experiences like working out together or running together - things I never did with my own dad. And I don't know what to do or who to talk to and I'd really appreciate some decent advice, please don't yell at me once again, I don't flirt - nothing.

Should I get back with him?

My ex broke up with me in March, and we were madly in love (or so I thought). We talked about a family, had nicknames, couldn't stand being away from each other. I mean I had a guy, every girl would wish for. Then, he broke up with me (for his ex girlfriend). I cried, and he didn't care. He knew I was hurt too, but didn't care. Then, all of a sudden today, he texts me. Saying "Are you her? Are you that mystery girl?" And I was like "Who are you" then he told me and I was like "Yeah it's me" then he goes "Remember.. we talked about a baby, about a family, Pebbles (Me) & Bambam (him) forever? =(" & I said "Yeah, but who made who cry? Who didn't care? Who left me for his ex girlfriend?" and he said "I didn't, I wus just mad cuz u hurt me". Why is he all of a sudden saying this to me? Is he worth it? He hurt me pretty bad. & I didn't hurt him, not as much as he hurt me.

Which is worse: eating white bread, or refined sugar?

Refined sugar on its own has no nutritional value whatever but white bread, which contains added refined sugar, contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Wholemeal bread, of course, is vastly superior to white bread and much healthier.

Taylor Swift on CMT/GAC?

Im thinking you're right she doesn't sound country, along with ALL/most of the rest of today's so called country singers. Im still waiting for them to (rightfully so) change the name, to something besides country.

Laptop graphics card problem, help?

I got my advent laptop for christmas. I bought The Sims 3 yesterday and I'm unable to play it onmy laptop, No other games will work either. The graphics card is not good enough to play games with, Is there any external graphics cards, or any other way of upgrading the graphics card?

Atkins diet induction phase?

I wanted to know is it normal to lose 16 pounds in two weeks using atkins and biking, walking and lifting 30 pound dumbbells and should I stay on the induction phase or move on?

Constipation because of meds?

I have to take some meds for the rest of my life but after about a year now they have finally affected me in going to the bathroom. Actually down to only 2 times in a week. So I need to start taking a laxative with a softner every day to get things going again. Any suggestions? Alot of stuff I have tried does not work ie.. bran, fruit, so I guess I better go the laxative medicine route. Thanks.

Group I periodic table reaction with Cl2, Group II reaction with Cl2, and Group I reaction with Br2?

Take a IIa element, Ca. To get to an octet, it has to lose two electrons. To get to an octet, each chlorine will need to accept one electron. So CaCl2 is the compound that would form. The calcium has lost two electrons, and the two chlorine's have each accepted one electron. And the compound formed is ionic in nature.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Help getting around paying for my phone's data plan?

So you know how when you buy a smartphone and you need to get a data plan with it. My cousin buys used phones without a contract and puts his sim card in it and doesn't need to pay for the data plan. On Verizon there aren't sim cards. So if I bought something like an HTC Ozone off Craigslist and brought it to the Verizon store, would they still make me get the data plan?

Jason/Demeter Greek Mythology?10 POINTS?

I mostly need information on Jason , i heard about him finding a golden fleece, but i dont know all the information.....give me a brief summary of his significance and his adventures, and any facts you may know about him......any facts or stories about demeter are also appreciated.....i dont want any websites though....THANK YOU 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER

Is it true that good guy always finish last?

I have the feeling that this statement is true. I have experienced it my whole life. If you don't involve in office politics you won't get prormoted , If you don't cut ques during traffic jam you will be late and even in relationship if you you are sincere and be truthful you wont get that girl , do I have to be a bad guy to be happy in life.

Can antibiotics cause food to taste bad?

I have been taking antibiotics due to a bad case of bronchitis Now whenever i drink water it taste really bad, good the medicine cause that?

Why did republicans find it so hard to believe obama would win?

I DON'T think they found it hard to believe that Obama would win. In fact I'm sure they were very worried they would lose which is why instead of picking an experienced friend of McCain's for VP they attempted a very desperate and lame attempt of nominating Sarah Palin to "energize the base." But the main reason it didn't work was because Palin is retarded.

Can you please give me a list of upbeat songs?

watch this a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IohZwdz_juc" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IohZwdz_j…/a

Why is America providing Pakistan with weapons even though Pakistan doesn't have any specific need for it??

To tackle taliban and terrorism, but Pakistan use these weapons for its own terrorist activities against India.

Atlanta's best Cities?

I want to move to ATL; any suggestions of what city is more interesting? I need a city that has more than enough to do, I don't want to get bored to quick. It has to be nice, pretty- a sight see-er =) Anything?

Week 2: Randy Moss, Mike Sims-Walker, or Eddie Royal?

I have Randy Moss, Mike Sims-Walker, Eddie Royal, Marques Colston, and Jerricho Cotchery on my team. I can start three and I am set on starting Colston. The other two spots are a bit tougher. I want to start Mike Sims-Walker but I am wary since he did nothing last week. Also, I am thinking that Eddie Royal might outperform Moss since he is up against Revis. What does everyone think?

Are platonic male friendships possible for a wife once this has happened?

My wife and I have had a good marriage for 10 years. She has always had mostly male friends and does not get along with women as well. I have always known this and so never opposed her having guy friends. Last summer she got too close to one of her guy friends. Nothing physical happened, but she did lie to me about how they had flirted and he made clear what he wanted from her. When I found out, she distanced herself from him. This has not happened before and she was very sorry about the whole thing. For me the problem was the lying and not the friendship or even the flirtation. We have talked about it all quite a bit and I have said I want her to continue being friends with men. I do not want to control her and I do not want her to change her whole life due to one potential mistake. Did I handle this correctly? Can things go back to how they were or should she avoid male friendships going forward? Opinions and advice are very much appreciated.

Open a group home in michigan?

hello, i have applied and recived 10 group home licences..now that i have this i am lost on my next step, how do i recoup clients, and also how do i go about being able to bill the insurance companys. like medcare or medcaid, or aaa or state farm. i would like to have group homes for brain injerys, and people that need rehab. i am a cna and am currently going to school to be a rn

How can I tell her she needn't worry about me and would best leave me alone ?

See there is this thing called friendship where you actually care about someone else. She obviously considers you a friend and does not like to see you depressed (cuz ya are) And being like House is not something to be proud of he is an interesting character but in real life he would be miserable and on antidepressants. I'd say get some help. or just continuing on the way you are it's your choice but it's gonna be a lonely existence.

What are some businesses that would be willing to give donations to a tax deductible cause?

A "cause" is not tax-deductible. Donations to the the campus organization or the NGO are tax-deductible only if the organization or NGO is a 501(c)(3) entity. Donations to you as individuals are not.

Rapture believers speak?

Do you have any links to videos or news articles of Harold Camping and/or his followers speaking about the end of the world not happening? If so can you post them here. Thanks

Which of these looks like a better deal?

Our shop has had terrible luck with the 4 cylinder engine in these cars I would look for a 6 cylinder. I would also suggest you have the car looked at my a mechanic you trust. If they wont let you get it checked out then go elsewhere

Flask or tankard for birthday gift?

I'm getting a gift for my older brother's 21st birthday. I'm thinking of getting a personalized flask or tankard. (He already is getting a flask, but not personalized.) What do you think would be better. Also, if tankard, gl or steel?

Should MLB eliminate extreme hitter-friendly or pitcher-friendly ballparks?

yeah. Colorado's ballpark is ridiculous. I'm not a fan of Citi field either. So yes. I agree with you both ways.


Unless your family displays your beds sheets the morning after you are married (cause I guess some do to show that their daughter is a virgin) I would go by them myself and hide them in my purse like someone said earlier.

Pawning my ring, how much do you think its worth?

Pawn shop's goal is to pay as little as possible for items that are pawned. Their other goal is to sell things for as much as a sucker will pay. It's the "Buy low, sell high" adage. That's how all businesses make money. If you get $300, I would be surprised. Have it appraised at a jewelery store before going to the pawn shop. They will give you an estimate of its retail value. Then expect about 1/4 to 1/3 of that amount for the pawn shop offer. Then negotiate UP from their offer. You can get the jewelery shop to weld a piece of gold to fill in the gap that was created when it was cut off.

Which conservative said this?

lol im sure they all said it in one form or another. ill pick D, but listening to any diarrhea spewed by the uninformed right it had to tell the diff. oh racist guy who is calling Obama Hitler, you should really do some research on ideology, because you look really silly....

What are the odds? Sorry if TMI?

Cramps on the 8th are too early for implantation, but it's not a bad sign either. You have a 20% chance if you and your partner are healthy. GL!

Hmmmm...ideas anyone? ? ....?

A simple black dress should be fine. I think most people would probably go with spring tones, but a simple black dress leaves little to complain about.

Muslims can never be trusted.....?

Even the non-terrorist ones don't take much effort (some islamic preachings, etc etc) to become people who support terrorism, if they don't directly get involved into terrorism. E.G. AFAIK, India helped Bangladesh, an Islamic country, gain freedom from Pakistan. Same Bangladeshi Muslims enter India illegally and either supply equipments to carry out bombings, or bomb the cities themselves. How can I trust a muslim? I have seen people following 6 different religions in my life. Never seen such a thing, except for Muslims. They all are sleeping bombs. Don't take much to become killers. What do you guys believe?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Need to make a concrete floor non skid for a horse?

I am in a pinch. We jsut bought this farm and until we build a big barn we have to put our horses in a mechincal shed with a concrete floor. The concrete floor is smooth and the horses with their shoes will no doubt slip and slide. My question is what is the best recommendation for turning a slick concrete floor into a not skid floor. That I can perform myself. Where can I get the equipment with out hiring it done. It is only about 20 by 40 floor so it can be done in a weekend. Let me know your thoughts and ideas would be welcome. With in reason.

Do you think that SARAH PALIN calling herself a SOCKER MOM & McCain a MAVERICK is getting kinda OLD & ANNOYING?

She calls him a maverick at least 10 times in everything she says and the Joe 6pack thing, how many times is she going to beat that horse? Did she just learn these saying or what? I was watching the VP debate and man, was she boring! Do you think that SARAH PALIN calling herself a SOCKER MOM and McCain a MAVERICK is getting kinda OLD and ANNOYING?

How to completly loose feelings for someone?

I don't think it's possible to loose feelings for someone that you really love. Expecually if you are saying the girls you meet don't compare to her. Ex's are very hard to get over or stop thinking about completely, but you will find love again so don't worry. I'm not sure if this will work, but try hanging with the guys sometimes, or even act more like a friend to her. Don't make it too obvious that you still have feelings for her. Just be chill and be a good friend. I Hope this helped!!

We just broke up because he says i dont trust him- desperately need advice please?

Sounds like you BOTH have trust issues.....he like most men try this reverse psychology...it's very common honey, don't let him get you like that. It annoys the heck out of me when my hubby trys to turn the situation around and make me look like the bad guy and is more upset than me when he's the one in the wrong...I just laugh in his face now when he does it, it's so old. He was wrong to lie to you, if he's not cheating he's up to something maybe about to. Let him stay gone for a while, enjoy the quietness and peace of mind. Matter of fact when he comes back, you go for you a long weekend stay with a girlfriend or relative, sometimes you just have to get away to keep the peace. You guys need to sit down and let it all out, be honest,if you love each other and want to be together for the long haul. In a way sounds like he was waiting for the opportunity to "get away"....confront him about that too, remember give each other some alone time every once in a while. And both of you close your myspace accounts. DRAMA!

How do I copy contacts to micro sd card on blackjack 2?

planning on getting a new phone and want to transfer all contacts to microSD card. Have a blackjack 2

What advice to give MAC users of my Windows freeware?

I have been distributing my Windows-based (VB6) educational freeware from my website for several years (www.dcproof.com). Several MAC users have written to me saying that they would like to be able to run my program on their MAC. I know nothing about MAC's. What should I advise these potential users about Windows emulators, etc.? (I guess it depends on which version of MAC.)

Molarity of a solution.....?

When a 25.00 mL sample of H2SO4 is titrated with 0.2453 M NaOH, 32.47 mL of NaOH solution is required to neutralize the H2SO4. What is the molarity of the H2SO4?

Could I/Should I go blonde?(Pic) Links work now?


Small sore lump under ? women only please....?

every once and awhile I will get a small VERY sore lump (about size of a dime) under my . feels like it's "inside" the flesh of the . the lump can't be moved around, it stays in the same place. then it will disappear but reappear weeks later, etc. what is this?? I have very large natural also size 48DD, could that be the problem.

Barack Obama mad at that cartoon depicting him as a muslims? doesn't him being upset about a cartoon prove

that he is a muslim, remember the cartoon riots in Denmark and Pakistan when someone drew a cartoon of Mohammed

What connectors do i need to install my sirius fm direct in a 2004 chevy truck?

went to install the sirius fm direct in my 2004 chevy silverado and the antenna plug was a small odd size. what and were do i get the adapter?

I am throwing a party this saturday and i need help on songs.?

well there is going to be everybody there! well mainly blacks and hispanics.. i just need help on my rap/ hip hop.. like i need OJ the juice man songs.. GUCCI MANE! and more. please help!

Why do so many Tea Partiers insist that they are NOT Republicans?

We all know they are- why insult peoples' intelligence? Saying the Tea Party isn't Republican is like saying NPR is fair and balanced- we all know they lean to the left so why keep up the charade? They could easily just say "We are Republicans who don't think the current Republican core is Conservative enough, so we have broken off." THAT would be believable. But pretending they are the modern day Whigs with no party affiliation seriously calls into question their credibility. Why the games?

Does this convince you I am an American?

One of the great things about the internet is that anonymity is the great equalizer. All personal claims are totally unverifiable in any meaningful sense and are therefore, irrelevant. People regularly claim various credentials, and most of us tend to take them with a grain of salt. This is a good thing, in my opinion. It more or less forces us to judge one another based on the content of our posts without the distractions of things like age, appearance, social status, occupation or nationality creating influences which might otherwise bias how much weight is given to any particular opinion. Being slightly familiar with your viewpoints, I would think that this egalitarian aspect of YA would appeal to you. So I would urge you to embrace your anonymity. Here, you are what you say you are and your posts speak for themselves.

Protestants, what do you think of this verse?

"You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone" james 2:24.....Does that open up your eyes? Catholicism is true!

Microsoft Office Setup DVD doesn't work?

I just bought Advent Laptop (Windows 7) and it already has Microsoft Word and other stuffs in there. I'm presuming they are trial versions. So, I had this Microsoft Office Setup DVD. It worked on other computers that I had but doesn't work in this new one. Is it because my laptop already has trial version installed? Will I have to uninstall those trial ones to get my DVD setup to work. I have used same product key for 2 laptops already.

A 70-N block and an 35-N block are connected by a string as shown. If the pulley is mless and the surface i?

A 70-N block and an 35-N block are connected by a string as shown. If the pulley is mless and the surface is frictionless, the magnitude of the acceleration of the 35-N block is: here is the picture http://edugen.wiley.com/edugen/courses/crs4957/art/qb/qu/c05/q52_1.png , please show work , i dont understand how to get this

HELP!!! duet for a concert?

omg it would be so cool if one of you is byonce and the other lady gaga or her who was in the jungle with ian brown and you could do a medley type thing of bieber, jls and snoop dog. i sang in the choir at st.luke's for three weeks but got fed up with the priest touching me down there. hope this helps good luck

What is that liquid called that makes one vomit instantly?

It is found in first aid kits. It is drunk when someone ingests poison so they throw it up right away. What is that called?

Who knows their books really well? cuz i got a tough one for you?

"this lullaby" by sarah dessen or "lullaby" by chuck palahniuk or "take me away: the liars lullaby" by meg gardiner

Is this spam or a virus?

It's spammers "spoofing" your email address to hide theirs. Just delete it, never mark these things as spam because you will be spamming your address.

Who will still be around musically in 25 years?

The Rolling Stones,Elton John, Rod Stewart,The Who,Paul Weller, Bruce Springsteen, all these guys have been making music for over 25 years..(And Madonna) or more, so who from this era do you think will still be around in 25 years..Not including Cliff Richard who has been around since God was a boy...?

A thought to ponder; you reactions?

I'm not sure what the question is, but you seem to have got hold of a "p-it-on" style email and reproduced it here. Are you concerned about levels of immigration in your country, and the rights afforded to immigrants? What you are describing certainly does not take place in the UK. There is room for debate, but not at the expense of truth.

If i sell games to gamestop will they give me more money if i bring the game with the manual and case?

Im selling a bounch of games that i have to gamestop since im not allowed to use ebay. Im wondering if theyll gove me more money if i bring them the manual and case? or can i just bring the CDs in a small holder and itll be the same amount of cash i get?

I need help on how to clean my sheepskin rug...?

Since it's a powdered eye shadow, keep vacuuming it out, provided it hasn't gotten wet. Vacuum the rug in many directions to lift the eyeshadow.

What is and isn't appropriate for recycling?

My husband and I have decided to get three receptacles for the kitchen and start recycling. I was wondering what we should and shouldn't put in them? If I were to empty a bottle of Hershey's syrup should I wash it before I put it in the plastic bin? I'm embarred to admit that I don't know any more than I do about the subject, but we're trying to make some positive changes in our lifestyle and this is one of them. Any advice is very much appreciated!

How do you pronounce Die Zauberflote?

I'm giving an oral report today and I need to know how to pronounce the name of the play. If you could just spell it out so I can figure it out that'd be great! (eg; trampoline--tramp-oe-lean or something like that)

Pictures of bank logos?

i want to start print my companys paychecks where can i find a picture of my banks logo to add to my check design?

Help what should i do? thanks?

i just bought a dozen red roses for my friend and i dont want them to wilt over the next few hrs b4 i see him

Should I pick up Danny Amendola off Waivers?

I picked him up today seeing as Clayton is out for the season and Amendola should continue to get a lot off thrown his way with him gone. I dropped Forsett because he hasn't been producing this year and i have better backs.

I think he thinks I'm weird?

I added this guy who I thought was in my orientation for college and turns out he wasn't so we tlaked etc etc. he said "no worries :)" TWICE and I did comment a pic of him playing a sport and he asked if i was in a sport in hs and i was like yeah tennis and he's lke "that's cool :)". Dang I hate when people say short answers and put smiley faces like that makes it better. Ugh he obviously wants me to stop talking to him considering I totally mixed him up w/ another guy. ALthough this guy is pretty cute too, I'd be open to talking to him, he's not interested in talking right?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dream with the guy I like?

I had a dream I was talking to the guy I like. I'm 18 and he's 26. He started talking about his past ual encounters with me. And funny part was he was talking about how he used to work at a taco bell and he had with two girls from his job. And the sick part was they were underage. I can never date a guy who is promiscuous and who does that with underage girls. What could my dream mean?

Can't get my cat to ingest benedryl?

the vet told me to give her half the adult dosage but i cant shove the pill down her throat so i've tried other things. I crushed it and mixed it in her food. She must've tasted, or smelled it because she didnt eat it. I also dissolved it a bit in water so it became pasty and put it in her mouth which she swallowed but made herself throw up.

How to kiss my boyfriend more often?

Okkay me and my bf kiss after every recess is over.. Like we will be holding hands then the bell will ring and we will hug then kiss and leave for our cles... Everytime we hug we kiss.. That info might help but whenever we see each other after our cles are done we hold hands immediately so I can't hug him or anything... I want us to kiss more.. What are signs that I can give ?? When we watched a movie once at school everytime we were talking when we finished we would keep looking at each other then we would lean in and kiss.. We were sort of alone when we were watching the movie but at the recesses we are always together with his best friend so I don't think that we would kiss when he is there :/ so how do I get him alone and stuff and how do I get him to hug me from behind? Like wrap his arms around me from behind? How do I get him alone but not say can I talk to you alone then when we are alone kiss him because we will still be near his friend

Describe The Possible Motion Of A Solid Object That Is Suspended So It Is Free To Rotate About Its Centre Of G?

Describe The Possible Motion Of A Solid Object That Is Suspended So It Is Free To Rotate About Its Centre Of Gravity?is It A Physical Pendulum?

Is Bernanke intentionally lying or can't find the correct statistical data with people out of the money loop?

This guy needs fired along with several others in Obama Cabinet that are mostly Harvard grads and has no clue how to run a business, country, state, alone work. Congress controls the purse strings but lets him and Geither do what ever they want that really helps Wall St.!! Help is on the way in 12 with Palin!!

What can I do to get rid of my anticipation?

I put my ps3 in this shop sort of thing last week and I can't get it back until this week(Friday because thats when my mom gets paid) and I haven't played my ps3 for around 5 or 6 months because it's been broke for around 5 or 6 months lol just haven't fixed it and my friend I play online with (mainly tekken 6 but somebody f***in stole that along with black ops) and now all i can play with him is guitar hero 3 which I don't mind because i love that game anywayyyyyyy what can i do to get rid of my anticipation

Does he like me? 10 POINTS!?

I think he likes you. He's obviously not shy. I am so idk what other guys do if they like someone. Does he does this with any other girl? Does he text you first? Does he invite you to go places? Ask yourself some questions and do a little detective work. Is he a log bigger/taller than you? Does he talk differently around you then his friends/ other girls? Idk why but most guys like to play mind games with girls they like. Good luck hope I helped

I have a hard pimple on the back of my but not painfull and nothing fluid in it what is this ?

Could be an ingrown hair. If you trim or shave it coould have caused it. If it's on the head of it then go see a doctor.

What To Do W/ Her?? HELP!!!!?

Sounds to me that she really is messed up from everything. I'm a woman and when woman's heart gets wounded and takes a cut, it can take awhile to recover. Seeing as how it was a 9 year relationship, its gonna take her alot of time..Women dont bounce back as quickly as men. Men after a breakup will immediately be back out playing the field. But for a woman, another man isnt gonna help her fix her problem. She needs to work it out on her own. I would suggest therapy for her or self help books. It helped me alot when I was in an abusive relationship. Not sure the extent of her last relationship but im sure those would help. Im actually positive if she is commited enough and remains open minded about it. Women are easier to encourage to do those type of things than a man so try it, but approach it in a way as to not make her feel like she is broken and make her feel bad about herself..just tell her its completely normal. Anyways, that is what i did and now here i am today a year later and in love with a really great guy and all my wounds are patched up and i have a full heart to give to my guy..isnt that what you want? a full heart, not just part of one like she's giving you?...anyways it sounded like she was moving at a comfortable pace and then you put pressure on her and scared her away. if you dont put pressure on someone..they will usually come around faster....because it will be subconsciously....good luck!

Why are some football fans so fickle?

Casing point: There was a time when Man U fans were wearing the names of "Hughes" and "Tevez" on the back of their shirts and cheering their names from the stands, and yet now they are roundly booed by those very same fans, and all because they don't like their new employer, what about all the goals they scored and good performances they put in for you? This is all too conveniently forgotten in the fickle world of the football fan.

Whats the new Warren G and Bad Boy South song produced by Mr. Bangladesh?

I'm sorry Spectator...I haven't seen any new lyrics or songs come up for Warren G and Bad Boy South song produced by Mr. Bangladesh. I have researched all of my resources/catalogs/DJ’s and have not been able to find the song/lyrics you were looking for. I wish I could have helped you.

Just found out that I'm pregnant - 3 weeks, what precautions do I need to take?

Britnee covered a lot of good things with hot tubs and tanning beds. I just have a couple things to add to her answer. You may want to wash your hands a lot and try to stay away from anything that can make you sick, viruses can be harmful in early pregnancy. Nothing to be neurotic about, just pay attention. Also, there have been studies of the dangers of deli meat. Really I would try to eat as much organic as possible, I don't think doctors say to do it but if you look up things about preservatives and pesticides it's kind of scary. However plenty of healthy babies have been born without organic foods during pregnancy. Congratulations and good luck!

How could even educated people be fooled by thug Ashok Jadeja, a false Godman of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India ?

Ashok Jadeja was appearing at public places & asking people to give him money, he would multiply by three in few days. Those who gave him hundreds of rupees he gave them back three times really too. He was saying that he is a God man & he knows the magic of multiplying currency notes. After getting confidence, they started coming to him bringing much bigger amounts by emptying their bank balances, ladies selling their ornaments & men selling their houses & other immovable properties too raining money on him , shown on TV channels too. He told them that he would return them in multiplied form in 2 weeks. One man gave him 73,00,000 rupees ( 50 rupee = $1 approx. ) too. He suddenly disappeared. When he was caught red handed by police he told that he earned Rs 12,00,00,000,000 in 100 days. He did so in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh & Haryana states of India, unafraid. He was exposed by INDIA TV that he is NOT a God man rather, he is a thug. How can this happen for a long time & how fool are many Indian people that they believe so easily & so soon a man to be a God man & give him their earnings of generations out of greed ? What about police force which never detects any fraud & takes actions at the end by media pressure only ?

I'm sick help me with congestion?

k so i was sick for about a week with a sore throught and a runny nose and finaly a congested head now all of that stuff is gone but now my left ear is pluged it has been pluged for about four days now and it stil hasnt gone away has anyone experinced this or know about how long the ear will be pluged for its killing me in school thanks for the help

Do you think anybody umes that Dr.Billy Graham or Dr.Jerry Falwell have real earned doctoral degrees?

I have never heard that either marketed themselves as if they had earned actual doctorate degrees. Based on what I've heard and read, Billy Graham earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and Jerry Falwell earned a bachelor's degree from an unaccredited institution (that institution later earned accreditation). Their hard work is what we have noticed, not their academic credentials. One doesn't need a license or credential to preach the gospel or open a university.

How to be wealthy while working an enjoyable career?

Well, if you really enjoy being a teacher maybe you should do something on the side to make a little extra income. My hubby and I are able to live off of his income, but I wanted to feel like I was contributing so I started to research at home careers. They all looked like scams and most were! Then on a business trip my hubby met a man that told him about a program. I started to research it and never heard anything bad about them. Well, I finally decided to sign up and I've been making a decent amount of money. It's a 3 up program, so the first 3 sales you make go to your sponser, but after that all the sales go to you. oh, and their frist 3 sales go to you as their sponser! It's not super easy, but after you work at it a little bit you catch on easy! It's $98 to sign up, but like I said it's been worth it for me. I'll leave the website for you and you can watch the video they have and they also have a live operator to answer any of your questions. Good luck!!!

Looking for a route to travel from India to Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and then back to India.?

Planning a one month trip from India to mainland South East Asia. My trip includes Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Will it be possible to buy a return air ticket from anywhere in India to Bangkok with a stopover in any place in Myanmar? If not, please suggest some other route to actualize my trip. I am willing to travel overland as much as possible.

Does speaking to Indian call centres really frustrate you?

I have had a fraud problem with my debit card recently and have had to deal with my UK banks dreadful Indian call centre. What a performance, they do not understand you properly and I sure as hell could not understand them either, in fact it probably annoys them as much as it does me! Does it irritate you having to ask what? pardon? every 3 seconds? I appreciate it is a lot cheaper for the banks etc but should UK banks/business's be forced to provide better, coherent customer service?

Should Rob Zombie do a remake of "Helter Skelter?"?

My answer is totally yes. I loved his remake of Halloween. I'm not a sadist but I do love a good horror movie. This remake should be as bloody and gory as he could get away with...just think about the murder scenes...I'm getting chills just thinking about it...Jared Leto or Johnny Depp, would make an awesome charlie manson...what do you think?

Chemical equation formula?

Please explain how to write a balanced chemical equation for sulfuric acid reacting with calcium hydroxide. (proper formula with correct charges, criss-cross-reduce)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seller hasnt sent my item yet on ebay?

I bought a Game on the a week ago and it still hasnt been dispatched, I sent the seller an email yesterday and he hasnt responded yet. He has sold many items and had 97% positive feedback therefore I thought I would not have any problems with this seller. I have already paid for the item via paypal on the day that I won it. What should I do?

How do I take the date off the photo?

There was a setting on my camera to imprint the date on the photos I take so I put it on and I uploaded the photos to my computer but I want to print off some photos of the Eiffel Tower but I dont want the date on them, is there anyway of taking it off? I have a nixon camera.

Is PETA being a little heavy handed with the Kentucky Derby?

Heavy handed isn't the word for it. Those attention craving azzwipes care more about headless chickens and overbred rodents than they do about then daily slaughter of the innocents at abortion mills.

Help? my husband cheated on me?

Let him go on this trip and pretend all is well. Then next time you go out of town, put itching powder in ALL the underwear you leave at home. Hopefully this will get her vag all itchy and stuff.

Buying a Phone......?

Im buying a new phone. I am interested in PDA///smartphones. I dont have or budget or a company that I am currently with. (so i can pretty much get any phone i want) Im thinking about a blackberry or palm or iphone. are any of those any good? wich is the best? && got any other suggestions?

Is he interested in me? What should i do? please help!!!!!?

long story lool..i have a crush on my brother's friend and for about a month, i had been going with them and my sister to clubs that she promotes. the first night i met him, they could tell that he liked me since he kept wanting to dance with me and stayed with me while my brother and sister worked the door outside. but my sis said that i seemed like i wasnt interested in him (I'm shy!). anyways, the next night we went out, me and my crush stayed inside the club while my brother and sis were outside and we talked for a while. just friendly conversation and danced too. when we were walking to the parking lot, he pulled me closer to him and put my arm around his waist. then another night, he had to take me home since we couldnt get into the club (he's 20, i was 17). and when we got to my house, i went to kiss him on the cheek but he leaned to kiss me on the lips and i moved away! the next night i got drunk and told him about my crush! then he kissed me! a week after i went to colombia

Show Names?

So I need a show name for my horse. He is a 16 hh 19 year old ex-racer Thoroughbred. He is bay and has two coronets on his back two legs. I am showing him in hunter/jumper and english pleasure. Judges at shows are in love with him and he is almost always placed. The name I have right now is Indy's Elliot, but I'm just curious to see what else I can find. His barn name is Indy. I'm trying to find his racing name to see if that name is good. I am considering the name Tall, Dark, And Handsome, but I'm still not sure. I'm looking for a name that you can imagine the anouncer calling out at a show--one that people will remember. Any suggestions?

Brandon Jennings, are you kidding me?

I Never Expected him to be this good i thought he would average Mike Conley numbers like 10 Ppg and 5 Apg but wow i cant believe people past up this kid I Guess going Overseas helped him alot

What does Emily inson mean here?

Ironic caw: the sound of something that is not expected, with a twist to it, somewhat like a prophecy that anyone who 'eats' of fame is sure to die. (Crows eat carrion). It is a warning

Junior year madness!?

So, i recently recieved my PSAT scores. They do not match my GPA in anyway. My GPA is roughly around a 90-92. My PSAT score was a 1230? What do i do!? I'm planning on going to a cl and doing this 8-week prep plan cosisting of making 1000 vocab cards and practicing math questions, critical reading questions, grammar questions. Do you think i'll be ok? I want to go to The College of New Jersey or a pretty good school.

Help w/issue?

I am a senior in high school and graduate this june, will be going to college this fall. I have people I talk to in most of my cles, I would/do consider them friends. But I don't have any close friends (for ex. eating at lunch everybody I talk to goes off into their little groups but I am left all alone). Am I doing something wrong. I don't think this has affected me as much because when I first came to the us people made fun of my english and so I learned not to care what others thought about myself as long as I can be happy with who i am and what I accomplish (reason why i am not depressed). A lot of people respect my accomplishments and I get along with most. At first I thought that people were that way bec. I had made mostly (when I was a junior) senior and sopre friends but very few people in my own cl. Another factor is that I feel torn in between two cultures, I cannot relate to so many things americans like, but the same goes for the other side. Can I do anything?

I need to know about nightlife in Colombia and Cuba?

Any large city in colombia is a party town and you can definitely find lots of bars and clubs to hang out in. Like in any country, dont accept drinks from strangers unless you saw the bartender pour it himself and never leave your drink unattended.

Very embarring question ... age 18+?

didn't you ask this before? I answered this very question. Girls do not need to shave so don't worry about that. Just tell her you would like to have her showered. If she's your girlfriend she will understand.

Scents similar to........?

Bath and body work's brownsugar and fig scent? They arent selling it anymore and it was my favorite :(

Should i feel offended/pissed off if....?

my crush seems to be really uncomfortable being near me, and refuses to look at me when really close, also hugs everyone goodbye except me and my friend who was next to me, and then a couple of days later IMs me and starts a normal conversation as if he didn't even act weird or anything? oh and over msn he reeled off what i was wearing on that night and made comments about my appearance i.e saying i seemed different, looked emo etc, but the thing is i swear he didn't even look at me at all. huh? =/

Can you dems show me how Republicans have used the Military as political foot as you claim?

Do I really need to go find quotes about how republicans constantly say the military is made up of mostly republicans. Or will you accept that that statement is always made. Or how about all of those republicans members of congress crowing about their support for the troops. Or how "unamerican" you are if you disagree with the war policy. Or how you don't support our soldiers if you don't support their mission. How about the claim that democrats are so invested in us losing the war now that they want us to lose. Need I remind you about the recent uproar about the Betrayus ad. Is that good enough for you? I can't believe this is a serious question.

Is Darwenism/Evolutionism Antichrists' religion?

Nope, wrong. It's not a religion, and it even says in your stupid book that your non-existent Antichrist is going to be of your own faith. I think.

Why Does Israel want to attack Iran?

Israel is fighting for its survival,Surrounded by hounds, its taking preventive meures,so no one try to destroy a nation.Admiral V K Singh

My date is tux-less right now..HELPPP :((?

.Look honey google Men's suits for hire There's plenty of sites but you need one in your own area.Cost about $100 for the whole ensemble.Including shoes and tie

I bottomed out the front of my honda prelude,now it shakes when i drive on the freeway,why?

the steering wheel shakes at all speeds since i bottomed out the front of the car,but its really bad on the freeway.

Please Look At My List Am I Missing Anything? Hospital Bag?

Thats a good list, and once you have the baby..You will realize that you don't need half of it. I brought everything on your list, plus more and never used half of it ( BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY- right) lol. Your list sounds good! Oh by the way, my hospital wouldn't let me use lotion or baby powder or anything because they said that if my daughter had allergic reaction to any of it they did not want to be responsible, I was angry!!! Goodluck to you.

Which two RBs to start?

Jackson and Bell. Caolina's offense hasn't clicked this year yet. I'd give it another week or two. Thomas still might not play even so he will get very few touches. I just don't have faith in Williams.

Traveling to playa del carmen...how much money should we bring?

We are traveling with 2 toddlers (I'm crazy I know haha)...so there is 4 of us. We want to do an atv excursion together without the kids (who will be watched by their grandparents) and my husband is going on a beginners scuba dive with his brother. We are staying at an all inclusive, the sandos caracol, and need to know what amount of money would be appropriate!

I got a D+ in geometry in freshmen year and i was wondering if i can still state colleges ?

Hi, Im supposing your a senior, If you got a D+ in Geometry during your Freshman year, then you should not worry that much. Colleges forgive, or really don't pay alot of attention to your Freshman year, as long as you explain to them why you got that grade, if you have a good reason then you should not worry. UCLA, I know for certain would accept you, if you really have the grades you are stating. For UCLA and alot of California University's require the SAT subject test, to truly determine whether or not you are capable of supporting all the work you recieve during college, they also determine how likely you are to exceed in college. I recommend you taking the SAT subject tests, since that tells colleges, that you truly are a serious student, and that you really care about your education. The "AP" courses you took will also look good on your application, colleges rather accept a student who took AP, rather than someone who took all easy courses. I believe you have a really good chance. Hopefully you did well, on the SAT or ACT Hope this helped :)

What was that old game on cartoon network?

I remember an old game on cartoon network where you battled with card of characters like courage and the power puff girls lol i always use the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy characters it was back with cartoon cartoon Fridays if i remember?

Does the "Even if you proved evolution happening right in front of me right now, I will not believe in it."...?

There really is no way to maintain that the Bible is consistent with evolution (or other facts) and still maintain that it is inerrant. Basically you have to throw out everything that happened before the "Kingdom of David", while realizing that this may not be the same David as recorded by the Bible and then come up with some rationalization why other parts of the Bible refer to Adam, Noah, Moses and others as real. The only way to do this is to redefine "inerrant" as "myth that I believe in even when soundly contradicted by the facts".

Another poem from my daughter are to comment?

For the first three verses, she has "nailed down" the feelings of someone who thinks all is lost and life is not worth while. Then in the next three verses, she offers hope to them in a most positive way. Tell Danielle to keep up the good work.

Do you agree with this logic?

If Tiger is guilty of all these extra curricular activities, then his wife should be entitled to do the same thing if only to teach him a lesson. Isn't that how OJ got so angry?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have a problem with my gums?

in the far back corner of the upper part of my mouth i have a pain in my gum. if i push it, it fells like a bee sting, and if i move my chin side to side it feels really sore. i think all my teeth have grown in(im 14) except wisdom but i dont think im ready for them yet. i have braces but thats not effecting it. its been like 2 days now. i tried water picking it but i couldnt take the pain on the lowest power. i thought maybe there was food but i dont feel anything. also it only hurts on my right side, not my left. it doesnt feel swollen. just please help

If a book was published as a PDF file instead of a paperback, would you expect to pay the same price?

Normally, a PDF file (ebook) would be cheaper. It's not costing extra because there is no paper printed, no book covers or illustrations to pay for. I would most definitely ume it would be cheaper than the physical book. I would love to have all of my books on a bookshelf, however, that is not always possible. I buy the books beforehand to read them. If I like, I'll buy the hardcover (if available, since I am not a fan of paperback) and display it in my bookcase. Unfortunately, I've run out of room so nowadays I buy all books through my ereader.

Sick after walking over 3 miles. not sure whats wrong!?

So on October 16th I walked a little over 3 miles for a walk done in my communtity. It was chilly that morning and my throat hurt the rest of the day. Within 2 days my nose was stuffy and my head felt as if it could explode. I had a cough but nothing else in my chest was wrong. I asked my parmacy of over the counter meds I could take. He suggested a nasal decongratent, an generic clariten and advil for headaches. I took those for a couple days and my chest started bothering me. It has been 10 days and all symptoms are gone except I still have a cough. My chest kind of has the feeling like my head did, like its congested. Its kind of in my neck/throat area. I have not gone to the doctor bc I lost my FSA card which if you don't know about it, money is taken out of my check to a card just for medicines, doctors appointments dental and vision. I am waiting on my new card before going to the doctors

If a guy refuses to fart in front of his long term girlfriend, is that a sign that he lacks masculinity?

I think of farting as a masculine (though not attractive) trait because guys are more open about their farts than girls.

I would just like to know if 5ft 8.92 inches is tall, short or average height for a man and woman?

i'm not sure what the average height for a guy is, at least here in America, but I'm 5' 6'' and i'm perfectly fine with guys who are 5' 9''.

Do creationists realize there is no such thing as a default theory in science?

All you say is indeed correct, but that is not the only reason we call creationism pseudo-science. One of the main reasons, if not THE main reason that we call creationism pseudo-science, is that creationism invokes the SUPERNATURAL, which is, of course, prohibited in science. That alone is sufficient to clify creationism as a NON-SCIENCE, not just a pseudo-science.

How to hypnotize for fun?

So, im having a sleepover for my birthday and i thought hypnotizing people would be a good change from the usual truthordare/neverhaveiever phase. anyone wanna tell me how to hypnotize? nothing creepy or deep, just for fun, like making people sing really loud/chicken cluck occasionally, harmless fun

Please answer asap?

i have had 3 childeren. my last was 2 years ago but ever since having him havng can be painfull. if my partener goes to deep i get a really bad pain in my stomach like ive been punched. it wasnt like that b4 having my last child and was wondering what could be causing it. im never in pain unless having and its becoming a problem as any other position other than misionary causes bad pain , is there any chance my womb could of dropped or anything or is this normal after having 3 children?

What are the operatic lyrics in "your song" from moulin rouge?

I'm dying to know what lyrics Allesandro Safina is singing in the duet with Ewan McGregor in Elton John's "Your Song" from Moulin Rouge? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

People who wants to buy clothes?

I buy and sell wears and shoes, you can contact me through "oreolu1@yahoo.com",i also use yahoo messenger, i am interested in doing business with you. On the contrary, i just hope you don't scam people! If u do, then........................******YOU WON'T GET ME!!!!!!!!!!

How long until my period is regular, and when does menopause happen?

Depends, my period has always been irregular and it still is, and I've had my period for 6 years. I'm on birth control pills now and I pretty much know exactly when I get my period. Menopause usually happens around late 40's and into the 50's? Menopause is just when you don't menstruate anymore.

Kissing with braces? ?

That's odd, I use to have braces and hot make out sessions before too. It's probable you both are using too much pressure too. The braces are on your teeth not your tongue, next time when the sores start coming in...just pull back a bit...and talk or tell him...kinda like taking a break. Kissing takes 2 people so you both need to find something that's comfortable for the two of you.

How is this outfit? (photos included)?

You did real good for the jacket try target and oldnavy definitely try forever 21 I thought that outfit was cute too

Do you think in pregnant?

I have been have with my boyfriend for a bout 5 months now. We have never had unprotected . We always use a condom n when we are done the *** is always in side the condom. My last period began between march12-16 I don't remember the exact date n it lasted for bout a week. Lately I have been feeling a bit nausea! I have always had a problem that when ever I eat I feel like iwant to throw up but this time I just I might be paranoid. I have also been gettin a bit of sharp paints in my stomach. My friend suggested that it might be a stomach virus. What do u think. So far I have never in my life missed a period n I expect my next one round april 15 or so!! Help me I'm a bit worried!

Pro-lifers, should a pregnant woman have any rights?

Dude, if anybody tried to enforce all that, certain Pro-Lifers I know would be the first to complain.

Reducing "carbon dioxide" footprint about unseen gas only, or includes the visible carbon particle soot?

The particle is more visible and we can actually reduce it, so where is the news about the reduction of soot in this "footprint" thing?

Anybody else get this feeling during Barack's acceptance speech?

I did not watch the acceptance speech, but I voted for McCain. Glad it is over and pray that Obama does a good job, and our country can heal. God bless you!

Who's your favorite World Champion at the moment? +HWE Velocity Vote and Rate?

I think its Randy Orton (even though i dont like him) because he is continuesly defending his title against triple h

Poll: Which is the best university in world (in your opinion)?

Cambridge! Im obviously biased since i study med there. If you are thinking about medicine, Harvard is really expensive and even makes the future �9000/yr fees seem reasonable (think $60000 expensive). The cam medical course is great - first 3 years are really heavy science - if you want to go merely for the name - you will find it seriously hard work. If you have a genuine interest and desire to learn about human science - this is the place for you. After your 3 years, you reapply for clinical which you can either apply to stay (Addenbrookes) or you can switch to Oxford or a London school.

Who is for a Serial Killer Watchlist?

I am putting this in polls and surveys because its a me or not me answer. I know that many people who go to become Serial Killers are animal abusers... so if we know that can we make a watch list of those jerks? Keep an eye on them because of the statistical likelyhood they will move on to bigger and more HUMAN prey?

Help me with Great Gatsby question.... How does Myrtle's speech reveal her character?

Myrtle's way of talking offers us "glimpses into the dizzy shallows of her mind"--Langman attends only to what characters say and how they say it (54). Under this treatment, Myrtle's speech reveals her character in essentially the same way that her clothes sometimes do; its content signifies somethi ng like the "elaborate afternoon dress of cream colored chiffon" into which she changes for company (35). But Langman's interpretation of Myrtle's words overlooks the sense in which they are actions as well as statements, doings as well as sayings.

What do y'all think about a gay sorority?

I don't care about that. Just as long they have their own greek letters instead of the AKA's, Alpha and all.

Monday, November 7, 2011

10 Guitar solos and riffs all guitarists should know?

so ive been playing guitar for a while now and im having trouble finding new things to play, and was wondering what are some awesome, well known and challenging solos/riffs. Before anyone says it, i can play the stairway to heaven solo so dont recommend it. can also play alot of aerosmith, acc, some zz top, bon jovi, a bit of metallica, gnr and so on, but im open to absolutely anything

Will a pore refiner lotion help me get rid of my whiteheads?

I have a lot of whiteheads all around my face!!! i got it once before and i used the 'Givenchy doctor white face wash' and it all went away. but now unfortunately for me that face wash is not available in my country and there is no other way i can get it! but Givenchy has this other thing called ' pore refiner brighting lotion'. they claim that it unclogs and tightens pores and refines the skin’s texture, leaving it perfectly polished and smooth. there is also a description like this ' Thanks to a precise dosage of salicylic acid, a powerful skin-peeling molecule, this fresh, soothing lotion effectively shrinks pores without irritating the skin.' So if i use this will my whiteheads star to go away?? not many good facial products are available in my country. so please don't suggest anything. i just want to know whether this product will help. also please dont suggest home remedies. i have tried many, but it does not work for me.

What is the best way to kill wizards?

excluding any harry potter spells, and in all seriousness. i must know how to kill these wizards. they constantly try to break into my house and steal my elton john's greatest hits cd. i don't think their spells are powerful enough to kill me but i still feel quite threatened by them. also, they cannot wear traditional wizards hats because their afros are far too large.

Where can I find a video of Manny Ramirez's diving cut off of Johnny Damon's throw?

For some reason the MLB link doesnt work on my computer, anybody know where I can find it? I searched all over google and cant find it. Thanks!

My credit cad company continues not to mail my bill?

just about every month i have to fight with my credit card company to mail me my bill, but they continue not to. They don't even bother to email me my notice. Is it possible that i can take the company to court cuz this is a load of bull? I am not paying one more late fee. is there anyplace i can get justice?

What do you think, Gods Love vs. Heaven?

I'm not a Christian because I've never been presented with any remotely convincing reason why I should become a Christian. That's basically all there is to it. But it has nothing to do with the way Christians act. I think Buddhists are generally good people, but that doesn't make me want to become a Buddhist.

A texas historical 1900 church, does new owner pay new tax and any previous property taxes when closed on?

If tex. marker , on old church,and all tax history shows $0, then if the new owner keeps it as a sunday service-community center only will there be prop. tax on the value per yr because change of ownership? thanks. Ed.

An anime about everday school life?

school rumble is an awesome school life anime. I just think this show is so adoribble, almost every charecter devlops a little crush but never has the guts to confessIts also extreamly hilarious and has an increadible english dub. its follows the life of the cl just check out an episode to see what im talking about.

What is the settling velocity of a particle having a stoke's diameter of 10micrometer and a density of 1g/cm3?

in air at 1.00 atm pressure and 0 celsius? the viscosity of air at 0 celsius is 170.8 micropoise. The density of air under these conditions is 1.29g/L

Does this boy like me?

I invited him over my house yesterday and we started playing video games. He started to poke my stomach alot and calling me by my nicknames Mandy. He always says I'm pretty and I have nice hair and stuff like that.. He kept touching my leg though and said it was smooth lol. Please tell me If he likes me .. Or tell me what you think .. Thanks! (:

Do you know if Skirt Tetras fin nip?

I am thinking of putting my Tetra in with guppies! Will he eat the fins or show any aggression towards them?

Where can i find a good computer training centre in Bangladesh which can offer good courses?

It will be better if it is situated around Uttara or Dhaka city.It will also be good if they offer certificates and that this certificates are recognised internationally.Above all,the price and duration of the training should be moderate.THANKS TO ALL

What should i do about my friends parents hating me?

This year i met an exchange student from japan and we became close friends. I have never in my life met or even talked to her parents (not her real parents...just who shes living with) but because im friends with this girl they dont like...they instantly dont like me?! Now shes going back to japan and i decided to throw her a farewell part...im planning it, paying for it...EVERYTHING but when she asked if she could go they said "you can go but ashley cant" (ashley is my name) umm wtf im pissed about this! who are they to tell me were i can and cant go..WHEN IM PAYING AND PLANNING EVERYTHING! If i go, she cant....uhg what can i do to convince her parents to let this go on without any problems?!

Are you ready for the second coming in October?

Harold Camping has some nerve, he could have at least waited 2 or 3 years from now. Then by the look of the he, obviously, doesn't have that much time. You think people will believe in him again?

I need to rephrase my question... itchiness!?

Firstly, I do not have any weird discharge, pain while peeing, or soreness. What I have is just an itchy that's kinda reddish pink but that's prob from the scratching. Anyway.... Ppl r saying yeast infection, but I've never had one and am very clean down there. So, can your just itch because it feels like it and not cause u have an infection?! Ty!

How many times do they have to postpone the presidential election?

This election is still pending,what about after the elections wouldnt there be still Lebanese citizins and politians nagging, & whining about who became our President, is there going to be an agreement & satisfaction here?

Is this a good computer in general?

Build coming from cyperpower not bad at all using a amd 6 core processor,nvidia 560ti graphic card might as well do sli with that 1000 watt power supply, it's a good build.

3. If I titrate a known volume of a basic sample (in the flask) with an acid (in the buret) using phenolphthal?

The base in the flask will be pink until enough of the acid is added that the pH drops below about 8.2 and it turns colorless.

Magnetic twirling ballerina figure and mirror about 2inches high.Where can I get one now in UK?

I had one back in the sixties and it fascinated me. Were only a few pounds to buy then and now. Have seen them advertised in american educational brochures to do with teaching children about magnetic field etc but the postage to UK is very expensive. Anyone know of a stockist here?

I bought two hydrangeas on saturday,.?

one was blue and the other pink.left them outside overnight and wanted to re-pot them today. They still looked beautiful this morning, they we quite hard and cold ( I guess from the frost) then around 11amish, they had been in the sun for no more than an hour, both plants have flopped and the colour from each plant has totally gone and they are wilted. I am really gutted. Im no green fingers, yet i adore flowers and plants and spent a lot of money on pots, soil and different plants, hoping to make my garen look pretty for the summer. Please if you know what happened or what i can do to revive them I would be ever so grateful. many thanks in advance for your answers.

How did your PSAT and SAT compare?? for those who have taken both...?

i think you'll do fine, i practiced after i took the PSAT's and then did better on the SAT's and now i'm in a good college, so don't sweat, 1900 is great

Did Gwen Stefani ever wear a wedding dress during a No Doubt performance?

It was either in a music video, or televised. Its a random thing that has been picking at me for a very long time.

Projectile motion 2-d!! HELP!?

john sits at edge if 30m high cliff, and throws a stone which lands 20m from the base of the cliff exactly 3.0 seconds later. at what speed and angle was the stone thrown? g=9.8m/s^2

WHat is the static friction?

A yellow Triumph TR8 automobile with a total weight, including the driver, of 1500 kg is turning a flat curve of radius 204 m at 28.5 m/s. What is the minimum value of the static friction coefficient that must exist between the tires and the road if no skidding is to occur?

Farting..????!!!!! help please?

im always farting and it gets really embarring and once it starts i get really like worried and stuff and embarred and then i keep farting and they get louder and smelly and when i have tests i fart sometimes and now im scared cus have tests in up soon im so scared..please tell me wats rong im only 14 im freakin out like...im overweight but im trying to lose weight..i dont think my diet is that bad..but i have been told i eat fast cud that cause it..??and also one time i had to leave school in a middle of a test cus i felt so sick and i kept farting and when i go toilet when i feel sick and have farting i have dihoria its soo embarring please help would be much appreciated and please no nasty comments im self conscious enough about it as it is

Who thinks that Drugs had to do with the death of Chris Benoit?

Chris Benoit was the real deal no doubt about it. I mean he fought his *** off for about 18 years to become champion and what a moment it was; especially winning it at Wrestlemania. Tell me, how many of you think that Chris would have it in him to do such a crime against his own family. Now if you look at Benoit's past, you would know that hes' had a history of drug problems, and maybe; just maybe, a HIT was put out on him. One other thing I must say is that, Chris Benoit was to good of a wrestler to be second rate like how WWE use to make him out to be, and just like his best friend Eddie Guerrero, he had a tough life with the influence of drugs and perhaps he paid the ultimate consiquence of living the kind of life he did.

Are Republicans sad that Obama is successfully liberating the Libyan people?

It's been obvious since day #1 that the only agenda the Republicans have is to oppose anything that could be labeled a success for President Obama. After Obama's words inspired the Egyptians to rise up against their dictator and now that the Commander in Chief is using America's military might to liberate the Libyan people, are the Republicans sad? Are they so blind to their partisan ship that they just can't bring themselves to be happy for millions of liberated human beings?

When is the 2010 oakland raider fan fest???

I have b ben a raider fan all of my life and i always hear about the fan fest. I heard that hot dogs are a dollar, you get to watch them practice, and they talk to you and take pictures. so i was wondering what month and day it is on????

How much should i price my PSP with accecories?

Ok i am selling my PSP 1001 with Mega man Maverick Hunter,God of war Chains of Olympus,and madden 07, (im including a charger as well with 2 memory cards one has 1 gb the second has 32mb)so how much money should i charge for this cus i want a DSI.

What's a good job that involves traveling and athletics (climbing and free running)?

I have seen people who nation geography channel that profile is suitable for you, as they travel a lot, they climb the mountains, go in sea, forest for research, as your good in science and this job profile is quite interesting, you can go for this profile its matches with your skills.

What is my thesis statement supposed to be about?

A thesis statement is basically telling the reader what you will be talking about in the paper. Many teachers want it very detailed. I know my teacher wanted the thesis to tell what we were talking about in every paragraph.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What will you leave in the 2009 time capsule?

id pull up all the news from 2009 and write a paper on it them i would put a cd in that had all the songs from my itunes so the future can remeber the past

Do sharks' gills and the eye disprove ID?

Those are two good arguments against ID. They don't completely disprove ID, but they definitely cannot be explained by ID.

Will La Raza ("the United Race") go through with smearing refried shwaztikas on the capitol building windows?

They really shouldn't. That's a criminal act and the majority of senators voted for the Dream Act. Of course, most of the Republicans voted against it and 60 votes are needed these days to p anything in the Senate. If La Raza wanted to express its displeasure with Republicans, however, there are ways to do that.

What is Countrywide up to?

this is not legal advice, and if you are looking for some, contact an attorney. send them letters, return receipt requested.

Can a male kitten be ually mature at the age of 4 months?

I would like to rephrase my question earlier. I asked if my 4-month old female kitten can get pregnant. In fact I should ask if the 4-month old male kitten can make his sister pregnant. They don't get to go outside as we live in an apartment. My other two dogs have long been neutered. The male kitten is the only threat to his sister. I still think of them as babies. The information I gathered all point to the age of 6-8 months before they reach ual maturity and it is advised that males are neutered at 6 months.

I believe that "The "Universe" is only the internal projection of the " Collective Consciousness.." comments?

Could be. But even if it is, what difference does it make? Things like this don't feed anybody or make anybody healthier or happier. It's just something that keeps you from sleeping at night.

Does anybody know which episode and season of xena warrior princess does xena sleep with ares?

its not for that reason that u might be thinking thats just the only thing i remember from this episode obviously haha

Man I'm dating is mad at me, what to do?

I have been dating a man for a month now, but not exclusively. For new years eve he invited me to spend with him at his party but i also had a family party I wanted to go to so I went to his party first and helped him clean up and drop off my liquor I got for him and then I left so I can be with my family for the countdown but after the countdown I was trying to go back to his party but my car was acting crazy and when I asked my brother to drop me off he said no so I spent the rest of the new years at home stuck in my bed. Ever since then he and my family hasn’t spoke to me and it’s been three days and because I left so early. I feel so sad and depressed what should I do.

49 days late on my period, but don't think I am pregnant?

I had my last period on August 22, then had bleeding on September 3 and 4th, it was lite then again bleeding on the 7th, which I went to the gyn and they said everything looked ok, they did a l ultrasound and everything looked normal no abnormalities. But today is October 9th and nothing. I had bronchitis last week, but I have been nauseous and threw up a couple of times in the evening or acid coming up after I eat spicy or greasy foods. Has anyone else had this? We are TTC, but I don't think that I am pregnant just having an anovulation period, but don't know when it will p.

Which To Buy?

I am thinking about buying an Xbox 360 this year, but the games are so exspensive. I don't want to buy a PS2 because I'm afraid that the PS3 will overtake the PS2 and then I won't be able to buy the new Madden and NBA games. When do you think the PS3 will take over the PS2?

How do I ask her out?

Ok, today had started out like any other day at school until finally a new girl had walked into my homeroom. She looks very good but all I really know about her so far is her name. I want to get to know her better but im not sure how, because every time I am my regular self girls tend to think im weird because I come on strong. So if you could please tell me how this could be done in laymans terms because I sure as h*** don't know it.

All my friend's are dating, Now I'm starting to feel lonely and hardly anyone to go out with, Any advice... ?

The first thing you need to do is to raise your self esteem and I will give you a link for that. You will find that the more you raise your confidence, the easier it will be to talk to people and one of them will be a girl who will be interested in knowing you better. Try going to different places and you may meet people that way. Get a gym memberships for example and work out one or two days a week. If there is a local bar that has karaoke, get up and sing no matter how bad you think you sound. That may help you meet someone but more importantly it will help your self confidence. If you are in college try getting involved in some activities there. Remember that many of those at your age who do get into relationships end up as single parents so don't let that bother you too much and wait until you find the right person, and you will in time, before worrying bout getting into a relationship.

Which party is running two celebrities who chose to go on SNL instead of working hard for you?

They were having a little fun, poking fun at themselves. It shows how humble they are. What I do not understand is Obama campaigning in other countries that have nothing to do with us... Hmm, that is working so hard for us.

I want more fairness?

I have quite fair skin but what should i do to make my skin more lighter & fairer???Can anyone suggest any cream or lotion??Or should i continue to bleach my skin more??Which bleaching cream is best(Fem or Saka or Gold bleach)?????

How long can I stay in the Czech Republic without a Visa?

Depends on your nationality. If you are an American citizen...90 days. See site below and read under Entry Requierments.

If an asteroid hit the earth or some other impending disaster, would you kill yourself?

So if an asteroid hit the earth and it was apocalyptic and you knew a tidal wave, earthquake, volcano etc was coming your way then would you kill yourself to reduce the pain that was impending. For example slit your wrists or shoot yourself if you had a gun

Is the Antichrist a trinity like God?

Because if he is maybe he already is here. Maybe he is the ideas of three Satanic thinkers. Maybe like Darwin, Freud and Marx. Repent today. Antichrist is here. The Rupture is imminent.

Ramadan.....Do you think Iraq?

Your fooling yourself if you think it was about liberating anyone. No I believe Iraq even with its faults was far, far better of before nations who had no right morally or legally stuck their proverbial nose in where it was not wanted.

AHHH!!! I just totally ruined my diet?

Omg. Omg. Omg. It's 3 in the morning here and I just had a bologna sandwich on Italian bread. Ugh. I feel sooo guilty! I was doing so good, and I'm only 14 lbs away from my goal! I'm on the brink of tears. Stupid, stupid me...:(

Video chat websites for fun?

i enjoy messing with people on video chatts such as omegle, and chatroulette, like i dress up as a ohio state mascot, or a paper bag, does anyone know any other good sites like that, and no ographic sites either please? help will get you into a video with me if youd like.

Does anyone have problems with school teachers like me?

YOU CAN GET A BETTER EDUCATION AT YOUTUBE! I think if you cannot afford switching schools or skipping a grade, then educate yourself through youtube or Barnes and Noble. I do not want to go to college, but i LOVE learning. So I am learning about random awesome things through youtube and the bookstore. Just read on your spare time about educational topics (not magazines!) And you will be more ready for college. ALSO, get some S.A.T. prep books so you can be ready for those LOOONG in advance and will get into a good college. Those prep books are available at book stores as well.

Civil Rights movement of 1950's seems to inspire a range of "liberation movements" in the 1960's and 1970?

How did the Civil Rights movement inspire some groups in American life to demand greater equality and fairness? please help

Why do people think that Roman Catholicism is the original Christianity when that is really East Orthodox?

When Paul the greatest Missionary that ever lived and preached the Gospel message throughout the far East / middle East, etc. never heard of a Catholic church or an Orthodox church and this fairy tale that the Roman Catholics first Pope was Peter is all ridiculous. Not at all scriptural.

Do you ever feel like giving up and then...?

Yeah. I was about to give up on this really tough biology paper I had to write, and I just stayed up writing it, and I got a 98 :D

Ares galexey?

why can't i see the movies on ares2.0.9.300, but i can hear it. could someone help me fix this problem

Genetics of leaves?

There are two alleles for width of leaf in Plant X. One allele produces a broad leaf in the zygous condition. One allele produces a narrow leaf, if zygous. When plants with broad leaves are crossed with plants with narrow leaves, all resulting plants have intermediate width leaves.

Why is god referred to as a "he"?

It annoys me that God is referred to as "He." If God is such an all-knowing, infinite, and mighty figure, how can it be condensed into a human gender? Humans always have the desire to provide images for themselves, and I thought God wasn't a gender, but a spirit, a figure. Something so complicated and divine, would not possess the imperfect qualities of "man." Can someone who believes God is a "he" explain to me your reasoning?

Can i use a different acid in this confirmatory test?

I found a confirmatory test for oxalate which uses sulfuric acid, but for my chem project we only have .5 m acetic acid, and various concentrations of HCl with the highest being 6 M. I will paste the confirmatory test i found, but the question is can I sub HCl for sulfuric acid? I have a several other compounds at my disposal as well if any of you know of a different test altogether. thanks.

Why do Liberals always work(those who do)in fields that are not necessary? In other words they tend?

Because they were raised to be like that, and they don't fit into the natural order of things,, in my opinion

What is the purpose of a monarchy?

Must be your homework. The purpose of a monarchy like any goverment is to govern but in a monarchy the King or Queen whoever is in line to suceed-with England having quite a few strong Monarchy Queens as Queen Elizabeth. You have the reigning Monarch King or Queen or a King and Queen(woman marries the King and can ,depending on the relationship influence ruling decisions of the King. Back in the old days the king or queen had absolute power of all and everythingIf something was not liked he simply made a decree(law) to his liking. Also had power of life and death over all the people in his kingdom even the Queen as King Henry the Eighth of England had trumped up charges of treason put on one Queen to have her beheaded so he could have a new Queen. Today there is more of a Constitutional Monarchy-King,Queen the Roysal are more of a figure head but Parliament makes,pes laws and rules-Parliament being elected by the people. Ok the rest of the homework you can do go to www.royal.gov.uk.com did a search on what makes a monarchy-do a search and you'll get the right answer faster.

Need finding the CW?

I live in Georgia and i dont have cable, i only get the local broadcasting, and I cant get the CW, anyone living in Georgia now what channel its on.

What is your favourite elton john song ?

Candle in the Wind. It always makes me tearful. I know it was written in memory to Marilyn Monroe, but he played a version of it at Princess Diana's funeral and that is what I remember it for.

2 kicker l7 12's with a zx 1500.1?

Hello, i have 2 kicker L7 12's dual 4 ohm version, and would like to wire them down to 1 ohm.. But i Blew one previously when i wired them down to 1 ohm,, and would like to no what i did wrong to prevent it from happening again.. i have a average sized slot/ported box if you need 2 no.. (but i was playing hypnotize by young Jeezy at a high volume, so i no were at least to start ha ha..) Does anyone have this same set up or atleast can tell me were to set the gain ,xover ,and b-boost.. thanks

Did Fox News finally apologize for trying to slander Joe Biden? Look at this Vid, Fox News has no shame?

You may call the huff post "neo-marxist" but the clip in the story is from fox news. They're neo-conservative, so you should be able to tolerate that.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well i have to go to falcon youth camp on sunday and im nervous what should i do?

Im nervous on everything. the activites. who i will have to room with, etc. help!? answer from people who have went will be most helpful.

What does it mean when you see a snake ina vision?

My mom was praying and she said that while she was praying she seen a snakes in a vision and she know that they reprsents snakes,also and alligator lol what do you thinks theses both animals represent?

Read any good books lately?

Just finished Bill Nacks Ruffian a racetrack romance for the 5th time lol and am currently working on his novel about Secretariat at work during slow spurts i'm readi Thoroughbred legends Go For Wand

Should I lop off my long locks?

I have long, wavy, brown hair down to the middle of my back. It's never been short, and I want to try cutting it so it just barely touches my shoulders. Should I do it? I have a roundish shaped face. I really wanna try it!! I think it would feel very liberating and free.....what do you think?

My 3 month old gnaws on her fist constantly. does it always mean she's hungry? also, her fist is getting rashy?

its completely normal. She has found her hands which are now the most fascinating things in the world! It doesn't mean shes hungry... she is just exploring by putting them in her mouth. A babies mouth is a way they explore... they enjoy feeling different textures in their mouth. As for the rash, I would suggest washing and drying her hands often if they are constantly covered in her saliva. If it doesn't get better, call her pedi :) Hope this helps

Used cell phone-Outstanding Bill-Can I put a new sim card in it and have it work?

I bought a used Verizon cell phone that has an outstanding bill on it. I want to know if I can buy a prepaid sim card and have a working phone???? What prepaid companys sim cards will work in a used Verizon motorolla Razer if this is possible???

Who would you rather: Michelle Obama or Cindy McCain?

For the record I'm not being ist. I understand that both women are intelligent and driven professionals in their own rights. I just want to know who you think would be a hotter first lady.

Should Texas secede from America?

By so doing there would be only 49 states. And by so doing Texans could escape the punishing taxes that are coming as a result of uncontrolled government spending and humongous bank bailouts?

How will the single global governance affect the United States?

the goal would be to raise everyone up; the reality is we would end up with the elite and the serfs, same as always. The only way it would affect the US is that the standard of living would drop to the lowest common denominator.

So I have this new guy in my life, and he's practically perfect, Why can't I accept him? H?

SO this guy named Jake and I, have been going on dates for 2 weeks. Im 16, he's 18. okay so on March 19 and 20th were just hangouts. and then on the 26th we went on a date we went rollerskating and then to a jacuzzi. it was so romantic. no kiss. on the 27th he picked me up from a birthday dinner and took me to the jacuzzi again and we even talked about kissing, i asked him to Sadie's(dance) he said yes. end of the date. still no kiss. and we were talking on facebook the other day, and he was telling how he's never had a gf, never kissed a girl, oh and btw hes super shy, has a baby voice kinda, just like the guy your parents would love, as well as you. My mom even let me go in his car. that was huge. :) and he even said on fb that he could see being in a serious relationship with me. I guess I'm just used to jerks, who just use me, and leave me. He hasn't followed their pattern. you would think its nice. and it is but I feel weird. Like, Ive dreamt about this type of guy for god knows how long. He's finally here, and I can't accept the fact? Im not saying Im leaving him or anything, but just whats wrong with him, or me? advice PLEASE THANKS (: (and to any of you who are like me and thought that all guys are jerks, there's no good ones out there. keep looking because I found one <3, I am living proof, there is hope, just remember that)

Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?

wow before you come up with the stereotype we always blame bush get your facts straight. We don't. Its almost always a joke. So don't think you address all Americans saying we blame instead of solving our problems. When i read this the things u said (about Bush) HAVE come up before, but we do not think we will last forever and we certainly don't think were any scandinavia country and we are trying to fix our problems so don't make these bold statements without asking an American.

How big can snapping turtles/ alligator snapping turtles get??

I was just wondering how big they get, someone I know caught one that was about 100 pounds he said, can they even get that big?

Can I use my Dell Inspiron 4000 for school?

I know it's pretty old but I found it today in my closet and I kinda need a laptop for college. The library is packed sometimes and it's very hard to find a computer (like this week of midterms). I think I stopped using it because it needs to be reformatted, it has some viruses, and it needs a new battery because once I unplug the cord it shuts off. Also, I would need to get a wifi card or stick to use when I'm on campus or at home. I was going to use this until I finished saving up for a Mac, (I have an imac right now and i prefer them over PC's). Does it sound like this computer would cost me too much to put some work into it to use it? Would I be better off just waiting to buy a Macbook?

Why does my German Shepard shed so much?

My german shepard Mandy, who is 7 years old, is shedding very much, she loses fur especially in the summer, it looks like she 2 layers of fur right now.

Moms! pacifiers question?

what kind of pacifiers would you recommend for newborn? I saw a lot of kinds in stores but I don't know which one is soft and good for my baby. Could you give me some advices? Thanks you very much.