Friday, November 11, 2011

We just broke up because he says i dont trust him- desperately need advice please?

Sounds like you BOTH have trust issues.....he like most men try this reverse's very common honey, don't let him get you like that. It annoys the heck out of me when my hubby trys to turn the situation around and make me look like the bad guy and is more upset than me when he's the one in the wrong...I just laugh in his face now when he does it, it's so old. He was wrong to lie to you, if he's not cheating he's up to something maybe about to. Let him stay gone for a while, enjoy the quietness and peace of mind. Matter of fact when he comes back, you go for you a long weekend stay with a girlfriend or relative, sometimes you just have to get away to keep the peace. You guys need to sit down and let it all out, be honest,if you love each other and want to be together for the long haul. In a way sounds like he was waiting for the opportunity to "get away"....confront him about that too, remember give each other some alone time every once in a while. And both of you close your myspace accounts. DRAMA!

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