Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sick after walking over 3 miles. not sure whats wrong!?

So on October 16th I walked a little over 3 miles for a walk done in my communtity. It was chilly that morning and my throat hurt the rest of the day. Within 2 days my nose was stuffy and my head felt as if it could explode. I had a cough but nothing else in my chest was wrong. I asked my parmacy of over the counter meds I could take. He suggested a nasal decongratent, an generic clariten and advil for headaches. I took those for a couple days and my chest started bothering me. It has been 10 days and all symptoms are gone except I still have a cough. My chest kind of has the feeling like my head did, like its congested. Its kind of in my neck/throat area. I have not gone to the doctor bc I lost my FSA card which if you don't know about it, money is taken out of my check to a card just for medicines, doctors appointments dental and vision. I am waiting on my new card before going to the doctors

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