Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I got a D+ in geometry in freshmen year and i was wondering if i can still state colleges ?

Hi, Im supposing your a senior, If you got a D+ in Geometry during your Freshman year, then you should not worry that much. Colleges forgive, or really don't pay alot of attention to your Freshman year, as long as you explain to them why you got that grade, if you have a good reason then you should not worry. UCLA, I know for certain would accept you, if you really have the grades you are stating. For UCLA and alot of California University's require the SAT subject test, to truly determine whether or not you are capable of supporting all the work you recieve during college, they also determine how likely you are to exceed in college. I recommend you taking the SAT subject tests, since that tells colleges, that you truly are a serious student, and that you really care about your education. The "AP" courses you took will also look good on your application, colleges rather accept a student who took AP, rather than someone who took all easy courses. I believe you have a really good chance. Hopefully you did well, on the SAT or ACT Hope this helped :)

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