Tuesday, November 15, 2011


gosh, you're lying hahaha! I learned this stuff this year & I'm in 9th grade, but I'm in bio honors so I'm even a year ahead

Is there any good places to airsoft around hershey pa?

Check here a href="http://www.airsplat.com/states.htm." rel="nofollow"http://www.airsplat.com/states.htm./a They have forums too so you can talk to people around that area and see if they can suggest anything. I always use this when I'm out of town and looking for a place to airsoft. I hope this helps you.

Can I get my speeding ticket thrown out of court for this error?

I was issued a speeding ticket recently and noticed that where the Trooper was supposed to indicate whether I was a resident of the state (Tennessee) or not a resident (Which I am a resident)the crossing point of the X is in the NO box could this error be a viable means of getting my ticket thrown out of court?

Java-How to check if a word.charAt(index) is a vowel...boolean?

How do you not get it? You have the right idea. Have a separate counter in the loop keep track of vowel count based on either a set of if/else statements or a switch:case.

Is America being forced to go gay?

Being gay isn't a lifestyle; it's simply who you're attracted to. And Tracy Morgan's comments were not funny because some parents really do hurt their kids when they come out. They might physically and emotionally abuse them, force them into "therapy," kick them out of the house, drive them to suicide... it's not funny and playing that for laughs made it seem like he was saying that's ok.

Findin the average atomic m of galium?

gallium consists of 2 isotopes of mes 68.95 amu and 70.95 amu with abundances of 60.16% and 39.84%. show work please? thanks

Which quilt do you like better??

I also like the second one and agree that it depends on the colors in your room. I think it might be easier to find a fun color in that quilt to put in a can and up on your wall if you are going to repaint.